1.Is your website legit and safe to order?

Yes. I can assure you we're real and reputable and have many happy customers. Payment is via PayPal only, so secure, and we don't use your information for anything other than shipping your order. Of course, we never pass it or sell it on to third parties! We truly hope that you can give us a chance to prove ourselves! As all business has good and bad reputations, we're not that perfect but we will do our best to solve the imperfections and move on to more possibilities of beauty.

2. How do I make a purchase?

Simply visit our website, on the product page click the 'Add To Cart' button. You'll be then given the option of continuing to shop or checking out. When you're ready to pay, check out and pay via PayPal.

3. Can I exchange for a new size/color?

We will arrange shipping of exchanged item as soon as possible. And please note that you need to pay for the shipping of the exchanged item.

4. Why was my order divided into two or more packages?

We will do partial shipping for your order in the following conditions.
 1) Certain item need additional process time.
 2) Weight limit of customs or courier.

You will receive an email notification when each parcel is shipped or a letter about the partial shipping will be attached in the package.

5. What if an item is missing from my package?

In certain cases we may have to split your order so that you can receive some items faster. Please contact us at service@lovelycoral.com if you are missing any items as they may have been sent in another parcel. If an item IS missing, we will either send it to you separately as quickly as possible, or if you prefer, refund you for that item.

6. Can I cancel my order?

It will be eligible for a full refund if the order has not be processed, except for the customized boutique items. Refund requests will not be accepted if your order has been processed.

7. Where can I check to find size & fit advice?

Our clothes can differ slightly as to whether they run small, slightly on the large side, or are true to size. It really depends on the cut, fit and style of the individual product.
My best advice is to check the size chart carefully and order by the measurements/inches as opposed to just picking a S, M, L or XL etc as you would in a store.

8. I still haven’t received my package. Where is my order?

You will receive a shipping confirmation after the items have been shipping. If your estimated delivery date has passed and you haven’t received your order, please contact us (E-Mail: service@lovelycoral.com) with an explicit subject on the email title. Our customer service will solve it in 1 business days.
Enter a tracking number in the search box to check the status of a package.

In our experience shipping takes around 10-15 business days (express time will take 3-5 business days) to arrive. Please don't worry if you don't see any movement. It usually takes USPS a couple of days to update their system.

Please note that: The shipping speed may be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Thank you again, and I hope you’ll be happy with your purchase! If you have any questions, reply to this email or contact us at service@lovelycoral.com

9. How to place the order?

1. Select the size, color or quantity;
2. Click on “ADD TO BAG”.
1. Review the item(s) selected and make some modifications if necessary;
2. Click on “CHECKOUT” if you are ready to place the order. Otherwise, close it for continuing shopping.
1. Fill in the e-mail;
2. Write your shipping address
3. Enter your coupon code;
4. Click on “Continue to shipping”.
5. Choose your billing address
6. Click on "Complete order"
1. Pay with Paypal
When you place an order with Paypal you will be redirected to the PayPal payment page, where you can confirm your payment by logging in with your PayPal username and password.
2. Pay with credit/debit card  
You may still check out even without a PayPal account. To do so, please firstly click on "Paypal" , then click on "Pay with Debit/Credit Card" and you’ll be redirected to a secure page where you can enter your credit card information or complete your payment safely via PayPal.